Centre for Information & Transaction Management of Commodity prices and Agri Value Chain Analysis

Objective:- The Centre aims to provide training and conduct research in market information system through information collection, analysis and dissemination with ICT tools and spatial technologies.

  • To work in the area of Market information system (collection, dissemination, analysis and predicting for agri-commodities).
  • To conduct commodity analysis for market and price trends.
  • To use ICT technology for assessment of crop acreage yield and losses.
  • Future and Forward marketing of commodities.
  • Climate change impact on sustainability of agriculture.
  • Value chain analyses of products and commodities and identification of options for process and product up gradation of value chains with potential to generate higher income and employment.
  • Identification of constraints curbing participation of farmers in the value chain, and capacitate the farmers and other stakeholders based on these findings.
  • Analysis and facilitation of product diversification to limit risk due to natural calamities.
  • Develop case studies and test innovative business models linking small farmers to end users and upgrading of value chains.

Faculty: -

  • Dr. Hema Yadav (Director)
  • Dr. Shalendra (Assistant Director) (On Deputation)

Centre for Entrepreneurship and Skilling

Objective:- The Centre aims to develop entrepreneurship in agribusiness through trainings and skilling in agriculture and allied sectors.

  • Disseminate knowledge and insights in entrepreneurial theory and practice through lectures internships and workshops.
  • Tie-ups with entrepreneurial mentors with global and national network for facilitating stakeholders.
  • Accelerate economic development by increasing the supply of entrepreneurs in agri-sector.
  • Addressing the challenge of under employment and un-employment in rural youth through skilling and inculcating the spirit of entrepreneurship.

Faculty: -

  • Dr. S.R. Singh (Deputy Director)

Centre for Design and Management of Agriculture markets and Business Planning and Project Formulation

Objective:- The Centre aims at market planning, designing and developing marketing infrastructure facilities towards facilitation of its stakeholders and their proficient management of these markets of agriculture and allied produce.

  • To extend guidance to upgrade urban and rural agricultural market infrastructure.
  • To plan and design rural markets, wholesale markets and Retail Markets in agriculture and allied sector.
  • To develop a guide on Market infrastructure planning and design.
  • To provide training for professional management of wholesale markets, rural markets and retail markets.
  • Managing e-commerce of agricultural produce.
  • Project formulation for state governments, marketing boards, cooperatives and private enterprises for marketing of agricultural produce and allied sectors.
  • Implementation of these projects.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of these projects.
  • Post project evaluation and reformulation of projects.
  • Capacity building in preparation of Project Reports for setting-up agri-business.
  • Development of business plans for the stakeholders including state government for national and international access to markets.

Faculty: -

  • Dr. Shuchi Mathur (Assistant Director)
Total Visit Counts :- 5953609