Prof. Madhu Vij

Prof. Madhu Vij


Prof. Madhu  Vij is a former Senior  Professor of ement Stu nclude the nancial Se Academic Gurugram titute of Co private limi or of MO s a memb cial Manag ember Aca o name a Ram Colle d attended rvard Busin of PM’s tr as also be (2011-201 arch, consu tions in th cial manag n finance m articipated road. Prof nterprise r s, foreign luation, as leted a nu f Finance w udies, Univ areas of I ervices, Co Council m. Currentl ompany Se ited compa IL Limite ber, Board gement (N ademic Ad few. Prof ege of Com d the Glo ness Schoo rophy for s een a mem 3). ultancy an he areas o gement, C managers. d in Confe Vij’s rese isk manag n exchang sset liabili umber of p with over 4 versity of Internation orporate F Chair and y, Prof Vij ecretaries o anies. She d a Mini of Gover NIFM), L dvisory Bo Vij has r mmerce, U obal Collo ol, Boston selecting th mber of Ad nd training of Risk m Case based She is on t erences and earch intere gement an ge risk m ity manag projects san 4 decades o f Delhi. He nal Finance Finance an d Presiden jalso serve of India an has been Ratna PSU rnors, Aru al Bahadu ody, India received th University o oquium o n, USA. Sh he best stee d-Hoc Tas for severa managemen method o the editoria d presente ests includ d corporat managemen gement an nctioned b of er e, nd nt es nd a U un ur an he of on he el sk al nt, of al ed de te nt, nd by National bodies like UGC, RBI, ICSSR, SAIL and Delhi University. She serves on the editorial board and is also a reviewer for several academic journals, national and international conferences. Dr Vij has extensively published research papers in International and national Journals of repute and has presented papers globally in in the field of banking and finance. She has authored four books namely Multinational Financial Management, Management Accounting, Management of Financial Institutions and a book on Corporate Finance for NIIT for MBA participants for ITT, USA. She has also co-authored two books – one on ‘Merchant Banking and Financial Services’ and the second one on ‘Women's Studies in India: A Journey of 25 Years. Prof Vij had been the Director, Women’s Studies and Development Centre, University of Delhi for one year (June 2012 to July 2013) and is actively involved in working on Gender issues, has delivered special talks in this area and has also worked on a project on ‘Microfinance and Gender’.

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