Shri Faiz Ahmed Kidwai, IAS

Director General Message

Agriculture plays a vital role in economic development of the country, while facilitating employment generation and poverty alleviation. A healthy growth in agriculture system helps agri industries and businesses to grow. The agribusiness industries, agri-processing and export industries help the Nation in earning valuable foreign exchange. National Institute of Agriculture Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur plays a key role in developing top order agribusiness professionals to take up the leadership positions in various organisations and industries. We have been consistently achieving full placements for our PG Diploma students in key positions in agribusiness industries NIAM is also pioneer in nurturing agri-startups from incubation stage to seed stage encouraging innovations and process re-engineering in agriculture system. NIAM is also partnering with State Government Organisations and various other reputed Institutions to accomplish it’s objective of promoting agribusiness entrepreneurship in all aspects. I wish all our students, agri-startup entrepreneurs, faculty and staff in NIAM the very best in this journey of nation building.

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